Let’s talk about what it would look like to FINALLY heal the deeper reasons for overeating, lose weight SUSTAINABLY, and THRIVE IN YOUR BODY in the next 12 months!

With 2+ decades experience, I'll walk you through my proprietary diagnostic process (it's powerful and is like a sigh relief)....

And I'll present you with a customized PLAN OF ACTION on what you need to do to reach your health & weight loss goals, stop using food to cope, and feel freaking great in your body!

HBF Coaching works because it's high touch and focused on what actually heals the stuff that keeps getting in your way. We back up our framework with 2 guarantees so this isn't about selling.

You may or may not be a right fit...that's why you won't see a BUY NOW button or a sales page before we actually TALK with you...

So let’s start with a real conversation with where you're at and where you're getting stuck, and let's build out that PLAN OF ACTION.


Book your call below👇 & get your PLAN OF ACTION now!

Schedule your time to meet with me.

Inside this call, we will identify what is working, what isn't working, where you're getting stuck, and an individualized Plan Of Action to get unstuck and moving forward with your health, energy, and weight loss goals.


Audra Baker

your coach

Audra Baker is a Trauma Informed Triple Certified Eating Psychology Coach & Master Weight Loss Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Breathworker specializing in Ending Self Sabotage and Healing Emotional Eating.

With a 2-decade background in holistic nutrition and kinesiology, she sold her Silicon Valley Fitness & Nutrition Company to work more deeply with women who have success in other areas of their life, but they can’t seem to figure out this whole "food and body thing”.

She’s the founder of Hello Body Freedom, a program that helps women change their relationship with food and their body, heal the deeper reasons they reach for food when they’re not hungry, and lose weight in a trauma informed way without dieting or restrictions.

She’s helped hundreds of courageous women show up for themselves, ditch dieting and heal the deeper reasons they overeat while building more self-confidence and inner-worthiness so they can FINALLY feel freedom with food, honor their body, and lose weight in a sustainable non-diety way.


“No gym. No Diets. And my pants are falling off!”

I just wanted everyone to know that they can be super confident Audra’s program works!!! My jeans that I managed to barely squeeze into during the challenge in September last year are now falling down! No gym, no diets. I still emotionally eat sometimes but super conscious of it and know if I apply the easy process even 70% of the time it works!




“Working with Audra was one of best gifts I've given myself.”

"I wanted to end numbing out… but I didn’t want to put money out again after so many failed programs and wasted money. But my aha moment was... this is so different than anything I’ve ever done. Coaching with Audra tapped into places that has given me freedom with food and peace with my body that I didn’t know I could have. Now from our work together I’m exercising with ease, feeling deep gratitude in my life, and stopped “white knuckling” it around food."




“I didn't want to go through life dieting, and Audra had a different way of getting me there.”

So many things you say gave me aha moments, like with diet culture and how it’s consumed me. I didn’t want to continue going through life dieting, and you had a different way of getting me there. Two years before I found you I had lost 50 pounds and I looked at myself and my body looked exactly the same to me as it did when I was 50 pounds heavier. I knew that was diet culture and I wasn’t supposed to feel that way. I heard you say things that I hadn't heard in the 27,000 diets I had been on before and the other ways I tried to lose weight.”




“It never occurred to me that the blockages were emotions and self- sabotage”

I was fed up with trying all the things. It never occurred to me that the blockage was emotions and self sabotage. But there was a common denominator and everything I was trying let me back to the same path, and it wasn’t sustainable. None of it. It was all so restrictive. Listening to Audra, she was the only person I have ever spoken to that has ever made any sense of why I kept getting stuck.